1. Reading text to obtain an overview of major ideas and disregarding

2. when deciding whether to read a newspaper article, which technique is most useful?

A. jigsaw B. flowchart C. skim D. scan

I think 1. C and 2. is B?

What is a jigsaw and flowchat ?

I agree with your answer for # 1; but I disagree with your second answer.




Is it jigsaw ?

Emma, I assume you are not stupid.http://42explore.com/skim.htm

read this.

A jigsaw is a type of puzzle that involves fitting together interlocking pieces to form a complete picture, while a flowchart is a diagram that represents a process or sequence of steps. In the context of the given question, a jigsaw and a flowchart are not applicable options for obtaining an overview of major ideas from text or deciding whether to read a newspaper article. Instead, the relevant techniques are skimming and scanning.

1. Skimming is a technique used to quickly glance through the text and get an overview of the major ideas or main points. It involves reading the headings, subheadings, introductory and concluding paragraphs, and any highlighted or emphasized text. By skimming, you can quickly assess the content and determine if it is worth reading in detail.

2. Scanning is a technique used to search for specific information or keywords within a text. It involves moving your eyes quickly over the text to find the relevant information you are looking for, without reading every word. Scanning is useful when you have a specific question or topic in mind and you want to locate relevant details without reading the entire article.

So, the correct answers for the given questions are:

1. To obtain an overview of major ideas, the most useful technique would be C. skim.

2. When deciding whether to read a newspaper article, the most useful technique would be D. scan.