Adrian saw his friend Bob walking fast down the hall.

What is the adverb and pronoun in this sentence?

The adverb in this sentence:
Soon the computer store will be closed.


Let us know what you think. I see one of each in that sentence.

The pronoun in this first sentence is "they" and the adverb in that first sentence is fast?

The adverb in the second sentence is be?

You are correct about the adverb in the first sentence, but your other two answers are incorrect. For one thing, I don't see the word "they" in either sentence.

daniel can come

The adverb in the sentence "Soon the computer store will be closed" is "soon."

To identify the adverb in a sentence, you need to look for words that modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. In this case, "soon" modifies the verb "will be closed" by indicating when the action will happen.