What is the difference between adventitious root and fibrous root?



mam plz tell me the answer.

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Adventitious roots and fibrous roots are two different types of root systems found in plants. To understand the difference between them, let's break it down:

1. Adventitious Roots:
Adventitious roots are roots that arise from plant parts other than the main root, such as stems, leaves, or even from other roots. They can develop at any point in a plant's life, either naturally or in response to environmental or physiological conditions. Adventitious roots are generally modified to serve specific purposes, such as support, nutrition, or reproduction.

For example, in plants like ivy or corn, adventitious roots form along the stems or nodes and help anchor the plant to a support structure. In certain plants, like mangroves, adventitious roots emerge from the lower parts of the trunk and can grow above the ground to obtain oxygen since the base of the trunk may be submerged.

2. Fibrous Roots:
Fibrous roots, on the other hand, refer to a mass of thin and highly branched roots that grow from the base of the stem in a cluster or tuft-like formation. They form a dense network of similar-sized roots that spread extensively in all directions horizontally, rather than growing vertically like a taproot system.

Grasses, including turf grasses, wheat, rice, and most monocots, have fibrous root systems. These roots have a greater surface area, which enables them to efficiently absorb water and nutrients from the soil.

Now, to answer your initial question about the difference between adventitious roots and fibrous roots: the main distinction lies in their origin and structure. Adventitious roots arise from various plant parts and can serve multiple purposes, while fibrous roots are found in clusters originating from the base of the stem and have a highly branched structure.