A tetherball is attached to the end of a 3-meter rope. The rope is attached to a pole thatis 5 cm in diameter. Estimate the greatest number of timees the rope could rap around the pole. Use 3 for pi(3.14) to make your estimate.

If I have to use 3 for pi, each full loop around the pole requires pi D = 15 cm. The rope will then go around about

N = 30 m/0.15 m = 20 times

Actually if you consider that pi = 3.142.. and the rope may wrap over itself, a more likely number is 18 or 19 turns


To estimate the greatest number of times the rope could wrap around the pole, we need to calculate the circumference of the pole and divide it by the length of the rope.

1. Calculate the circumference of the pole:
The formula for finding the circumference (C) of a circle is C = πd, where d is the diameter. Given that the diameter of the pole is 5 cm, we can calculate the circumference as:
C = 3.14 * 5 cm
C ≈ 15.7 cm

2. Calculate the number of wraps:
To estimate the number of times the rope could wrap around the pole, we divide the circumference of the pole by the length of the rope. Given that the rope is 3 meters long, we need to convert the circumference to meters:
15.7 cm = 0.157 meters
Now, we can calculate the number of wraps as:
Number of wraps = Length of rope / Circumference of pole
Number of wraps ≈ 3 m / 0.157 m
Number of wraps ≈ 19.11

Therefore, based on the calculations, we can estimate that the greatest number of times the rope could wrap around the pole is approximately 19 times.