In the following sentence, what is the subject complement?

My neighbor is a newspaper reporter.

A subject complement (think of the word complete) is a word (usually a noun) on the other side of the linking verb. It means the same as the subject or refers to the same person or thing as the subject.

If "neighbor" is the subject and the linking verb is "is," what's the complement?

newspaper reporter

The subject complement in the sentence "My neighbor is a newspaper reporter" is "newspaper reporter."

To identify the subject complement in the given sentence "My neighbor is a newspaper reporter," follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the sentence structure.
The sentence follows a subject + linking verb + subject complement pattern.

Step 2: Identify the subject.
The subject is "My neighbor." It is the person or thing that performs the action or is being described.

Step 3: Identify the linking verb.
The linking verb in this sentence is "is." Linking verbs do not show action but instead connect the subject to its complement.

Step 4: Identify the subject complement.
The subject complement is the word or phrase that follows the linking verb and describes or renames the subject. In this sentence, the subject complement is "a newspaper reporter." It describes what the subject "My neighbor" is.

Therefore, the subject complement in the given sentence is "a newspaper reporter."