Which is NOT a benefit of studying public speaking?

A. Creates good first impression on others
B. Communicates competence
C. Proves our expertise
D. Develops our ability to communicate ideas and message clearly and with impact

my guess is C

I agree.

To determine the correct answer, we need to evaluate each option individually.

A. Creates a good first impression on others: Studying public speaking can help us improve our delivery and presentation skills. This can result in creating a positive first impression when speaking in public or presenting to others. Therefore, this option can be seen as a benefit of studying public speaking.

B. Communicates competence: Public speaking skills are often associated with competence. When we are able to confidently and effectively express our thoughts and ideas, it demonstrates our competence in a particular subject or area. Therefore, this option can also be considered a benefit of studying public speaking.

C. Proves our expertise: Public speaking can be a platform for showcasing our knowledge and expertise on a particular subject. By delivering a well-structured and persuasive speech, we can gain credibility and prove our expertise to the audience. Thus, this option can also be seen as a benefit of studying public speaking.

D. Develops our ability to communicate ideas and messages clearly and with impact: This is a fundamental benefit of studying public speaking. Through learning techniques such as organizing ideas, using effective verbal and nonverbal communication, and engaging the audience, we can enhance our ability to express ourselves clearly and make a lasting impact with our message.

Based on the explanations above, we can conclude that there is no option that is NOT a benefit of studying public speaking. Therefore, the answer is NONE or there are no options that are not a benefit of studying public speaking.