In a world of ____________, communication skills help us to interact with people whose backgrounds are different from our own.

A. careers
B. changes
C. technology
D. personal relationships

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my guess would be A.


It could be careers, but this is such a nebulous question, I could make a could make a good argument that any of the others is also correct.

_ focus on how people use messages to influence each other in various contexts and cultures, using a variety of media.

I think it's C Techology. Could I be wrong?

The answer to the question is D. personal relationships.

To arrive at this answer, we can break down the question and analyze the options provided. The question is asking about a situation where communication skills are important in interacting with people who come from different backgrounds.

Option A is "careers." While communication skills are indeed important in many careers, the question specifically mentions interacting with people from different backgrounds. While this could be relevant in certain career settings, it is not the best fit for the question's context.

Option B is "changes." Communication skills are essential during times of change, such as when adapting to new environments, technologies, or situations. However, the question highlights the importance of interacting with people from different backgrounds, which is not directly related to changes.

Option C is "technology." While technology has certainly made the world more connected and increased the need for effective communication, the question focuses on communicating with individuals from different backgrounds, rather than the impact of technology.

Option D is "personal relationships." This option aligns closely with the question, as communication skills are crucial in building and maintaining positive relationships with individuals who have different backgrounds. When people come from diverse cultures, ethnicities, or social backgrounds, effective communication skills can bridge gaps, foster understanding, and promote harmony.

Therefore, based on the analysis, the correct answer is D. personal relationships.