the best physical activity is one that is_______ A enjoyable enough to bring along a snack. B enjoyable enough to be lulled to sleep C enjoyable enough to do regularly D all of the above __?

It must be c.

ms.sue u don't really help. stop guessing please. the answer is C. but don't guess or say it might be lol.

To find the answer to this question, we need to evaluate each option and determine which one is the best physical activity.

A) Enjoyable enough to bring along a snack: While bringing a snack along is a personal preference, it does not directly affect the overall effectiveness or benefits of a physical activity. Whether or not you can bring a snack depends on the type of activity and your personal preferences, so it is not a determining factor in finding the best physical activity.

B) Enjoyable enough to be lulled to sleep: If an activity is so enjoyable that it makes you sleepy, it may not be the best choice for physical activity. The goal of physical activity is to energize and engage your body, and being lured to sleep indicates a lack of intensity or stimulation. Therefore, this option does not lead to the best physical activity.

C) Enjoyable enough to do regularly: This option is a crucial consideration in finding the best physical activity. Regularity is important for sustaining fitness levels, achieving long-term health benefits, and developing a consistent routine. If an activity is enjoyable enough to do regularly, it increases the likelihood of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Considering the above explanations, the best physical activity is Option C) enjoyable enough to do regularly. Regular physical activity helps promote overall health and well-being, both in the short term and in the long run. By finding an enjoyable activity that you can incorporate into your routine, you will be more likely to continue engaging in it consistently.

So, the correct answer would be Option D) all of the above.