I mean seeing professors to get help.

Yes. Frankly I think it is a good idea to go to each one and introduce yourself if you have not done so. A very short social visit (short meaning a couple of minutes).
Now for help. Yes go see them, you may not get the help you seek, but that is the only way you will know.

Most professors will have office hours set aside for helping students. My professors always put that information in the sillabus.
Yes, going to see them is a good idea. You can learn a lot about the direction the professor intends the class to take, and you will be able to observe the type of person you are writing papers for.

Another important thing happens when you introduce yourself to your profs and/or go to them when you have questions or problems -- they start to see you as a person, not just another body in class. They begin to understand what YOU want to get out of the class.

It's quite advantageous for you to do so.


Yes, seeing professors to get help is a great idea. Here's how you can do it:

1. Introduce yourself: If you haven't already, take a couple of minutes to visit each professor and introduce yourself. This can be a short social visit to let them know who you are.

2. Check office hours: Most professors will have designated office hours for meeting with students. You can find this information in the syllabus or on their course website. Office hours are set aside specifically to help students, so take advantage of this opportunity.

3. Plan your visit: Before meeting with the professor, make sure to prepare your questions or areas you need help with. This will make the meeting more productive and efficient.

4. Attend class: Regularly attending class is important because it allows you to learn about the direction the professor intends for the course. By showing up and participating, you can also demonstrate your commitment and engagement in the subject matter.

5. Build a relationship: When you introduce yourself and seek help from professors, they start to see you as an individual rather than just another student in the class. This can be beneficial as they get to understand your goals and interests, and may provide guidance tailored to your needs.

Remember, professors are there to support your learning and success. Taking the initiative to seek their help can greatly enhance your understanding of the material and your overall academic experience.