Explain How Sean's Feelings Toward Vid And His Hobby Changed During The Beginning Middle And End Of The Story '' Stuck In Storage''

To understand how Sean's feelings toward Vid and his hobby changed during the beginning, middle, and end of the story "Stuck in Storage," you need to analyze Sean's behavior and emotions at different points in the narrative. Here's how you can do that:

1. Read the Beginning: Pay close attention to the initial interactions between Sean, Vid, and their hobbies. Look for any clues or descriptions that reveal Sean's initial thoughts or feelings towards Vid and his hobby. Note if Sean shows any interest or enthusiasm towards Vid or if there are any negative emotions displayed.

2. Observe the Middle: As you progress through the story, pay attention to any significant events, conversations, or developments that impact Sean's relationship with Vid and his hobby. Look for moments where Sean's emotions or actions towards Vid change. Are there any conflicts, misunderstandings, or changes of heart?

3. Analyze the End: Towards the end of the story, notice how Sean's feelings towards Vid and his hobby may have evolved or transformed. Consider if there is any character growth or resolution that occurs. Did Sean's initial feelings persist, or did they undergo a significant shift?

By following these steps and closely examining the beginning, middle, and end of the story, you can better understand how Sean's feelings towards Vid and his hobby change over time. Remember to look for evidence within the text that supports your conclusions.