A rectangular pyramid has the same height and base of a rectangular container where volume is 300 m^3 (cubic meter). what is the volume of that rectangular pyramid?

Since a pyramid has a volume 1/3 of that of a cube having the same base and height as the pyramid, the volume of the pyramid must be

or 100 m^3

To find the volume of the rectangular pyramid, we need to know the dimensions of its base and its height.

Since you mentioned that the rectangular pyramid has the same base and height as the rectangular container, we can assume that the rectangular container is also a rectangular prism.

The volume of a rectangular prism is given by the formula V = l × w × h, where l represents the length, w represents the width, and h represents the height.

In this case, you mentioned that the volume of the rectangular container is 300 m³. However, we still need to know the dimensions of the base and height of the rectangular container in order to proceed with calculating the volume of the rectangular pyramid. Once we have that information, we can multiply the base area of the pyramid (l × w) by the height of the pyramid (h) and then divide it by 3.

If you can provide the dimensions (length, width, and height) of the rectangular container, I can help you calculate the volume of the rectangular pyramid.