if a small piece of sodium is dropped into water,it begins to react, forming hydrogen gas and sodium hydroxide. In the equation, 2Na(s)+2H2O(l) 2NaOH(aq)+H2(g),the sodium hydroxide that is formed is a..

NaOH is a base. an electrolyte. a hydroxide. is ionizable.

with the exception of the transition elements, Groups3-12 in the periodic Table, and the noble gases, Group 18, atomic radii___ within periods, while atomic radii___ within groups.

Decrease from left to right and increase from top to bottom.

To determine the nature of the sodium hydroxide that is formed in the given chemical equation, we need to understand the notations used:

- (s) represents a solid substance.
- (l) represents a liquid substance.
- (aq) represents an aqueous solution.
- (g) represents a gaseous substance.

In the given equation, "2Na(s) + 2H2O(l) → 2NaOH(aq) + H2(g)," we can see that sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is formed as an aqueous solution (aq). This means that sodium hydroxide is dissolved in water and exists as individual ions (Na+ and OH-) in the solution.

Hence, the sodium hydroxide that is formed is an aqueous solution.