A ball(mass=3kg) is attached to 2 strings and it is rotated by one string and to the other is joined to another ball which is also attached to another ball by a string.Which of the strings experience the maximum when length of each string is 1metre?

The string closest to the axis of rotation would have the maximum tension. Draw the free body diagram and it will be clear that the tension in the closest string balances not only the centrifugal force on the attached ball but also the tension in the string next in the chain.

To determine which string experiences the maximum tension, we need to analyze the forces acting on the system.

In this setup, the ball of mass 3kg is being rotated by one string while being connected to another ball by a second string. Let's call the string attached to the rotating ball "String A" and the string connecting the balls "String B."

When the ball is being rotated, it experiences a centripetal force towards the center of the circle, which is provided by String A. This force can be calculated using the formula:

Centripetal force (F_c) = m * v^2 / r

where m is the mass of the ball, v is the velocity of rotation, and r is the radius of the circular path. Since the length of String A is given as 1 meter, the radius of the circular path is also 1 meter.

The tension in String A is equal to the centripetal force, as it is the force responsible for keeping the ball in the circular path. So, we can say that the tension in String A is equal to F_c.

On the other hand, for String B, the tension will have two components. Firstly, it will have the weight component due to the mass of the second ball which is attached to the first ball. The weight component can be calculated as:

Weight component (F_w) = mass * gravity

where mass is the mass of the second ball and gravity is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s^2).

Additionally, String B will also experience a horizontal component of tension due to the circular motion of the first ball. This horizontal component is equal to the centripetal force calculated previously, F_c.

Therefore, the tension in String B is the sum of the weight component (F_w) and the horizontal component (F_c).

To determine which string experiences the maximum tension, we need to compare the tensions in String A and String B.

By applying the formulas and plugging in the given values, we can calculate the tensions in each string and compare them.