A neutron causes the element 88X232 to change according to the reaction 0n1 + 88X232 ---->ZYA + . Identify the (a) atomic number and (b) atomic mass number of the daughter nucleus. (c) This product subsequently undergoes - decay, and its daughter does too. Identify the atomic number of the final nucleus. (d) Give the atomic mass number of this final nucleus.

If you even just give me the equations and how to use them that would be very helpful. I don't get this at all

To solve this problem, you need to understand the basics of atomic structure and nuclear reactions.

In a nuclear reaction, the sum of atomic numbers (proton numbers) and mass numbers (sum of protons and neutrons) must be conserved. Additionally, each particle in the reaction must have the correct charge and mass balance.

Let's break down the problem step by step:

(a) Atomic number of the daughter nucleus (ZYA):
The atomic number is the number of protons in an atom's nucleus. In this case, the neutron (0n1) collides with the parent nucleus (88X232) and causes a reaction. Since neutrons have no charge, they do not affect the atomic number of the parent nucleus. Therefore, the atomic number of the daughter nucleus (ZYA) remains the same as the parent nucleus, which is 88.

(b) Atomic mass number of the daughter nucleus (ZYA):
The atomic mass number is the sum of protons and neutrons in an atom's nucleus. In this reaction, a neutron (0n1) collides with the parent nucleus (88X232). Since the parent nucleus has 232 nucleons (protons + neutrons) and the neutron has a mass number of 1, the total number of nucleons in the daughter nucleus (ZYA) will be 232 + 1 = 233.

(c) Atomic number of the final nucleus (after β- decay):
β- decay involves the emission of an electron from the nucleus, resulting in an increase in the atomic number by one. However, as given in the problem, the product of the initial reaction subsequently undergoes β- decay. So, the atomic number of the final nucleus will be one unit larger than the initial atomic number of the daughter nucleus (ZYA). Therefore, the atomic number of the final nucleus will be 88 + 1 = 89.

(d) Atomic mass number of the final nucleus (after β- decay):
In β- decay, the atomic mass number remains the same since no nucleons are lost or gained. Therefore, the atomic mass number of the final nucleus will be the same as the daughter nucleus, which is 233.

In summary:
(a) Atomic number of the daughter nucleus (ZYA): 88
(b) Atomic mass number of the daughter nucleus (ZYA): 233
(c) Atomic number of the final nucleus: 89
(d) Atomic mass number of the final nucleus: 233