All of the following are goals of study reading EXCEPT:

A. greater speed.

B. retain information in your long-term memory.

C. be an active reader.

D. active reading.

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze each option:

A. Greater speed: This is typically considered a goal of study reading. By improving reading speed, individuals can cover more material and complete their reading assignments more efficiently.

B. Retain information in your long-term memory: This is also usually a goal of study reading. By effectively processing and understanding the information, individuals aim to store it in their long-term memory for future recall.

C. Be an active reader: This is generally considered a goal of study reading. Being an active reader involves engaging with the text by asking questions, making connections, and taking notes. Active reading enhances understanding and retention of information.

D. Active reading: This option is essentially identical to option C. Therefore, D is not distinct from the other options and does not offer a unique goal of study reading.

Based on this analysis, we can conclude that the correct answer is D. Active reading.