What is the key to effective stress management?

A. Getting plenty of rest

B. Meeting all deadlines no matter what it takes

C. Procrastinating and getting work done at the last minute

D. Failing to plan



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The key to effective stress management is not option A alone, but a combination of several strategies. Option A, getting plenty of rest, is indeed an important aspect of managing stress. Sufficient sleep and rest provide the body with the energy and resilience needed to cope with stressful situations. However, it is not the only factor.

Meeting all deadlines no matter what it takes (option B) can actually lead to more stress if it means sacrificing other aspects of life, such as personal well-being or relationships. While meeting deadlines is important, it is crucial to prioritize and delegate tasks when necessary.

Procrastinating and getting work done at the last minute (option C) is generally not an effective approach. Procrastination often leads to increased stress levels, as the looming deadline creates a sense of urgency and pressure. It is better to practice time management and break tasks into small, manageable chunks, tackling them incrementally.

Failing to plan (option D) is also not a recommended strategy. Planning helps to organize tasks, set realistic goals, and establish a structured approach to reduce stress. It allows for better resource allocation and prevents last-minute rushes.

In summary, while option A (getting plenty of rest) is an important component of stress management, options B, C, and D are not effective strategies on their own. The key to effective stress management involves a combination of multiple factors, including getting sufficient rest, prioritizing tasks, practicing time management, and planning ahead.