Why did Leisler Rebellion start? How was it related to the Glorious Revolution?

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I am still a little bit confused. So during the Glorious Revolution, King James II was overthrown and replaced by William and Mary as co-rulers. Then why did Jacob Leisler rebel against the policies of the King James the II?

The Leisler Rebellion started in late 17th century colonial New York, during the years 1689-1691. It began as a response to the news of the Glorious Revolution in England, which resulted in the overthrow of King James II and the ascension of William III and Mary II to the English throne.

To understand the connection between the Leisler Rebellion and the Glorious Revolution, it is important to have some background knowledge of the political situation at the time. During James II's reign, he attempted to consolidate power and promote Catholicism in the English colonies. This caused concern among the Protestant colonists, who feared losing their religious and political freedoms.

When news of the Glorious Revolution reached the colonies, it sparked a wave of enthusiasm and support for William and Mary's claim to the throne. Jacob Leisler, a German-born merchant and militia captain in New York, was one of the individuals who strongly supported the new Protestant rulers. He believed that the English colony of New York should be firmly aligned with the new regime.

The Leisler Rebellion itself began as a result of a power vacuum that occurred after the dismissal and departure of the colonial governor, Francis Nicholson. In the absence of a clear successor, Leisler saw an opportunity to act as de facto governor, claiming to protect the interests of the people until proper leadership was established.

Leisler gathered a group of supporters, primarily from the lower classes and non-English background, who shared his desire for a Protestant government. However, his actions were seen as a challenge to the authority of the English crown and the colonial elites who opposed him. This division within the colony led to a period of intense political and social unrest, resulting in the Leisler Rebellion.

The connection between the Leisler Rebellion and the Glorious Revolution lies in the shared context of rebellion against a perceived threat to Protestantism. The news of the Glorious Revolution in England provided inspiration and legitimacy for those who sought to defend their religious and political freedoms in the New York colony.

In summary, the Leisler Rebellion began in response to the Glorious Revolution, as the colonists in New York saw it as an opportunity to resist the perceived threat of a Catholic monarch and establish a Protestant government. The rebellion itself was a complex mix of political, social, and religious factors, driven by the actions and motivations of individuals like Jacob Leisler.