A neutron causes the element 88X232 to change according to the reaction 0n1 + 88X232 ---->ZYA + . Identify the (a) atomic number and (b) atomic mass number of the daughter nucleus. (c) This product subsequently undergoes - decay, and its daughter does too. Identify the atomic number of the final nucleus. (d) Give the atomic mass number of this final nucleus.

To answer these questions, we'll need to understand how nuclear reactions work. Let's break it down step-by-step:

(a) Atomic number (Z) represents the number of protons in an atom. In a nuclear reaction, the atomic number can change. In this case, we start with 88 protons (element 88X232) and a neutron (0n1) colliding. After the reaction, the resulting nucleus is represented by "ZYA."

To determine the atomic number of the daughter nucleus, we need to know that a neutron has no atomic number (it has zero protons). So the atomic number of the daughter nucleus (ZYA) will be 88 (the same as the original element 88X232).

(b) Atomic mass number (A) represents the total number of protons and neutrons in an atom. The atomic mass number of the daughter nucleus can be determined by the atomic mass numbers of the reactants.

In this case, the original element 88X232 has an atomic mass number of 232. Since a neutron (0n1) has an atomic mass number of 1, the total atomic mass number of the reactants is 232 + 1 = 233.

Therefore, the atomic mass number of the daughter nucleus (ZYA) will also be 233.

(c) The daughter nucleus (ZYA) then undergoes a decay process. In beta decay, an electron is emitted from the nucleus. This means the atomic number increases by 1 while the atomic mass number remains the same.

Since the atomic number of the daughter nucleus (ZYA) was 88 in the previous step, it increases by 1 in beta decay, resulting in an atomic number of 89 for the final nucleus.

(d) The atomic mass number doesn't change during beta decay, so it remains the same as the atomic mass number of the daughter nucleus, which is 233.

Therefore, the atomic number of the final nucleus is 89, and the atomic mass number is 233.