A certain store is selling an $80 radio $64. If a different radio had a list price of $200 and was discounted at 1.5 times the percent discount on the $80 model, what would its selling price be?

a) $90
b) $105
c) $120
d) $140
e) $160

Cost = (64/80)*100% = 80% of full price.

Discount = 100%-80% = 20%.

Discount = 1.5*20% = 30%.
Cost = 200-0.3*200 = $140.

Let's solve this step-by-step.

Step 1: Find the discount percentage on the $80 radio.
Discount = List Price - Selling Price
Discount = $80 - $64 = $16
Discount Percentage = (Discount / List Price) x 100
Discount Percentage = (16 / 80) x 100 = 20%

Step 2: Calculate the discount on the $200 radio.
Discount = (Discount Percentage x 1.5) x Selling Price of $80 radio
Discount = (20% x 1.5) x $200 = 0.3 x $200 = $60

Step 3: Subtract the discount from the list price to find the selling price of the $200 radio.
Selling Price = List Price - Discount
Selling Price = $200 - $60 = $140

Therefore, the selling price of the $200 radio would be $140.

Answer: d) $140

To find the selling price of the second radio, we need to calculate the discount amount and subtract it from the list price.

First, let's find the discount amount of the $80 radio.

Discount amount = List price - Selling price
Discount amount = $80 - $64
Discount amount = $16

Now, let's calculate the discount percentage of the $80 radio.

Discount percentage = (Discount amount / List price) * 100
Discount percentage = (16 / 80) * 100
Discount percentage = 20%

Next, we need to calculate the discount on the $200 radio, which is 1.5 times the percentage discount on the $80 model.

Discount amount on $200 radio = (1.5 * Discount percentage) / 100 * List price of $200
Discount amount on $200 radio = (1.5 * 20) / 100 * $200
Discount amount on $200 radio = 30 / 100 * $200
Discount amount on $200 radio = $60

Finally, we can find the selling price of the $200 radio.

Selling price of $200 radio = List price - Discount amount
Selling price of $200 radio = $200 - $60
Selling price of $200 radio = $140

Therefore, the selling price of the second radio would be $140, so the correct answer is (d) $140.