What percentage interest rate is a loan that charges one hundred dollars in simple annual interest over 5 years on a one thousand dollar balance?


100 = 1,000 * R * 5

100 = 5,000R

100/5,000 = R

0.02 = R

Rate = 2%

To find the percentage interest rate on a loan, we can use the simple interest formula:

Simple Interest = Principal (P) * Interest Rate (R) * Time (T)

Principal (P) = $1000
Simple Interest = $100
Time (T) = 5 years

Let's rearrange the formula to solve for the interest rate (R):

Interest Rate (R) = Simple Interest / (Principal * Time)

Substituting the given values:

R = $100 / ($1000 * 5)

R = $100 / $5000

R = 0.02 or 2%

Therefore, the loan charges a 2% annual interest rate.