The National Weight Control Registry found in their research that those who had maintained a significant weight loss reported improvements in ________.

A. Physical health and energy levels only

B. Stress reduction and general health

C. Self-confidence and attractiveness to the opposite sex

D. Physical health, energy levels, general mood, and self-confidence




thank you

Yes, the correct answer is D. According to the National Weight Control Registry, individuals who have successfully maintained a significant weight loss reported improvements in physical health, energy levels, general mood, and self-confidence.

To arrive at this answer, you could have approached it in the following way:

1. Identify the source: The question mentions the National Weight Control Registry, indicating that the answer can be found in their research.

2. Conduct online research: Go online and search for the National Weight Control Registry. Visit their official website or find reputable sources that discuss their research findings.

3. Locate the research findings: Look for studies or reports that outline the improvements reported by individuals who have maintained weight loss. This may involve reading through research articles, reports, or summaries provided by the National Weight Control Registry.

4. Evaluate the options: Review the given answer choices and compare them to the information you found in the research. Evaluate each option based on whether it accurately reflects the improvements reported by individuals who have successfully maintained weight loss.

5. Determine the correct answer: Based on your evaluation, select the answer choice that aligns with the improvements reported in the National Weight Control Registry's research. In this case, Option D - Physical health, energy levels, general mood, and self-confidence - best matches the reported improvements.

Remember, using reliable sources and conducting thorough research are essential steps when seeking accurate answers to questions.