How much cholestryramine powder is in 3% cholestyramine/Aquaphor cream 45g? _________

Is that w/w%?

3% means 3g/100 g. In 45 g there will be
3 x 45/100 = about 1.3g

To find out how much cholestyramine powder is in a 3% cholestyramine/Aquaphor cream weighing 45g, you need to calculate it using the concentration percentage.

1. Start by converting the percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100. In this case, 3% becomes 0.03.

2. Multiply the decimal concentration by the weight of the cream in grams to find the amount of cholestyramine powder. So, in this case, you would multiply 0.03 (the decimal concentration) by 45g (the weight of the cream).

0.03 x 45g = 1.35g

Therefore, there would be approximately 1.35 grams of cholestyramine powder in a 3% cholestyramine/Aquaphor cream weighing 45g.