How do I do thi question?

An example of a wine glass design, using three equations, is given below. The base of the wine glass is defined by a quadratic equation, the stem by a linear equation and the body of the glass by a square root function. The difficult part of the task(outlined on the next page) is determining the correct coefficients in the equations so that the parts of the glass fit together. The equations must be accompanied by domain statements so that only the relevant section of the graph is included in the design

To create the design of the wine glass using three equations, you need to follow these steps:

1. Understand the requirements: The design consists of three sections - the base, the stem, and the body. The base is represented by a quadratic equation, the stem by a linear equation, and the body by a square root function.

2. Define the equations: Start by defining the equations for each section of the wine glass design, ensuring they fit together seamlessly. For example:
a) Base (Quadratic): Use a quadratic equation in the form y = ax^2 + bx + c to define the base. Experiment with different values of a, b, and c to create the desired shape for the base.
b) Stem (Linear): Use a linear equation in the form y = mx + b to define the stem. Similar to the base, adjust the values of m and b to achieve the desired length and angle for the stem.
c) Body (Square Root): For the body of the glass, use a square root function in the form y = √x. This will create a curved shape for the body of the glass.

3. Specify the relevant sections of the graph: To ensure only the relevant parts of the graph are included in the design, define the domain for each equation. The domain represents the range of x-values for which the equation is valid or applicable. For example:
a) Base: Specify the domain where the base is in contact with the stem.
b) Stem: Specify the domain where the stem connects the base and body.
c) Body: Specify the domain where the body is connected to the stem and smoothly curves upwards.

4. Adjust coefficients: To create the perfect fit between the different sections, you will need to experiment with different coefficients in the equations. Make incremental adjustments to the coefficients until the parts of the glass fit together seamlessly.

5. Test and refine: Once you have defined the equations and their domains, graph them on a coordinate plane to visualize the design. Test the design by adjusting the coefficients further if needed, until you are satisfied with the overall look and fit of the wine glass.

Remember, creating the perfect wine glass design might require some trial and error, so don't be afraid to iterate and make adjustments until you achieve the desired result.