35 yrs ago babies are born here hospital celebrated the births of the last baby of feb 20th and the 1st baby of feb 21st w/gifts. 5 mothers including mrs keating were in labor as of midnight find the full name of each newborn 1 of the 1st name is crystal can you figure the order the babies were born. 1. the last baby of the 20th was delivered @ 11:54pm and the 1st was born @ 12:04am. 2. David was born 22mins after the walker girl and 3mins before leann. 3. tamara walker was delivered 7mins before pc, who arrived 10mins before the jones's girl. 4. the milano baby was born on the 21st. 5. pc's and leann's fathters shared the birth experience by accompanying their wives to the delivery room; mr knight nervously paced in the waiting room. 11:54pm was the lst baby born on the 20th and the 1st baby was born 12:04am on the 21st.

To determine the order in which the babies were born and find their full names, we can follow the given clues step by step:

1. The last baby of the 20th was delivered at 11:54 pm, and the first baby was born at 12:04 am.

Based on this clue, we know that the last baby born on February 20th was delivered at 11:54 pm, and the first baby born on February 21st was delivered at 12:04 am.

From this information, we can conclude that there are other babies born in between these two times, and we need to figure out their order.

Let's consider the other clues one by one to get more information:

2. David was born 22 minutes after the Walker girl and 3 minutes before Leann.

From this clue, we can deduce the order of the babies: Walker girl → David → Leann

3. Tamara Walker was delivered 7 minutes before PC, who arrived 10 minutes before the Jones's girl.

From this clue, we can deduce the order of the babies: Tamara Walker → PC → Jones's girl

4. The Milano baby was born on the 21st.

This clue tells us the date of birth for one of the babies, but it doesn't provide a specific order yet.

Now, let's put all the information together:

February 20th:
- Last baby (11:54 pm)
- Walker girl (?)

February 21st:
- David (?)
- Leann (?)
- Tamara Walker (?)
- PC (?)
- Jones's girl (?)
- Milano baby

Based on the clues, we know Leann was born after David, who was born 22 minutes after the Walker girl. This means Leann was born after the Walker girl and David.

Next, PC arrived 10 minutes after the birth of the Jones's girl, which means PC was born after the Jones's girl.

Now, let's consider the clue that the last baby of the 20th was delivered at 11:54 pm, and the first baby was born at 12:04 am.

This tells us that Tamara Walker was born before 11:54 pm because she is the last baby of the 20th. So, the order of the baby births can be determined as:

February 20th:
- Tamara Walker (before 11:54 pm)
- Walker girl (after Tamara, before 11:54 pm)

February 21st:
- David (22 minutes after Walker girl)
- Leann (after David)
- PC (after Jones's girl)
- Jones's girl (after Milano baby)

From this information, we can conclude the order of the babies' births:

February 20th:
1. Tamara Walker
2. Walker girl

February 21st:
3. David
4. Leann
5. PC
6. Jones's girl
7. Milano baby

Since you mentioned one of the babies was named Crystal, and based on the given information, Crystal's name does not appear. It is possible that there is missing information or another clue that needs to be considered to determine where Crystal fits in the order.