
i need to know what the name of the native people of ecuador are called...and i also need a brief summary about them..

i need websites..and some information that u might know..

please help (urgent)...

The citizens of the modern country are called Ecuadorians, which is also spelled Equadorians. Many are descendants of the indigenous tribes called Aymara and Quichua, which stil have their own languages.

A web search with the country or tribal names will get you plenty of information. The CIA World Factbook entry for that country is a good place to start.

do u mean Quechua??

It is spelled Quichua within Equador but Quechua in most foreign countries.

what are the actual tribes though??

Hello! I can definitely help you with that. The name of the native people of Ecuador are called the "indigenous people" or "indigenous communities." The term "indigenous" refers to people who have inhabited a particular region before its colonization or the arrival of other ethnic groups.

To find more information and websites about the indigenous people of Ecuador, you can simply search for "indigenous people of Ecuador" in a search engine like Google. This will provide you with numerous results that will offer detailed information about their culture, history, traditions, and current issues they face.

Here are a few reliable websites that could be helpful:

1. UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage website: https://ich.unesco.org/en/RL/indigenous-cosmovision-of-the-kichwa-people-of-saraguro-00035
2. World Directory of Indigenous Peoples: https://www.iwgia.org/en/ecuador
3. Cultural Survival: https://www.culturalsurvival.org/regions/ecuador

Now, for a brief summary about the indigenous people of Ecuador:

Ecuador is a country rich in cultural diversity, with around 15 distinct indigenous groups, each with its own unique customs, languages, and traditions. The largest indigenous population in Ecuador is made up of the Kichwa people, followed by the Shuar, Waorani, and many others.

These indigenous communities have a strong connection to their ancestral lands, and their way of life is deeply rooted in their traditional knowledge, agriculture, and sustainable practices. They have a profound respect for nature and maintain a harmonious balance between humans and the environment.

Despite their rich cultural heritage, indigenous communities in Ecuador face various challenges, including land rights issues, discrimination, poverty, and limited access to education and healthcare. However, they continue to fight for their rights, preserve their cultural identity, and contribute to the diverse cultural fabric of Ecuador.

Hopefully, this information helps you. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!