in the story "the night the ghost got in"

Downstairs , we could hear the tromping of the other police. Police were all over the place; doors were yanked open , drawers were yanked open, windows were shot up and pulled sown, furniture feel with dull thumps.

James Thurber uses several types of humor in " the night the ghost got in" Identify one type of humor in this passage, and explain how the quotation demonstrates that humor.

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To identify the type of humor in this passage, we can start by analyzing the various elements of the text. The passage describes a chaotic scene with police officers searching the house, resulting in doors being opened forcefully, drawers being pulled out, windows being shot and lowered, and furniture falling loudly.

One possible type of humor in this passage is situational humor. Situational humor arises when there is a discrepancy between what the reader expects to happen and what actually happens in a given situation. In this case, the readers might expect the police officers to conduct their search in a calm and organized manner, but instead, chaos ensues. The exaggeration of the situation with doors being yanked open, furniture falling with "dull thumps," and windows being shot up and pulled down adds to the comedic effect.

The humor in this quotation can be seen in the contrasting image of serious police officers causing mayhem in the house. The unexpected and exaggerated actions of the police officers subvert the readers' expectations and create a humorous effect. This type of humor helps to lighten the otherwise tense and mysterious atmosphere of the story, offering a lighthearted moment for the readers.