Thoreau writes "When our lives cease to be inward and private ,conversation degenereates" to because

A.seeking an advantage over others
B.a fantasy about fiction
C.mere gossip
D.mindless and sterile

my answer is C


To determine the correct answer, consider the context and meaning of Thoreau's statement. Thoreau suggests that when our lives stop being inward and private, conversation deteriorates. This implies that Thoreau values deep and meaningful conversations that come from a place of self-reflection and personal contemplation.

Option A: Seeking an advantage over others does not directly relate to the deterioration of conversation. Thoreau's statement does not address competition or personal gain.

Option B: A fantasy about fiction does not align with Thoreau's emphasis on inward reflection and privacy. Thoreau seems to prioritize honest and authentic conversations.

Option C: Mere gossip could align with Thoreau's sentiment. Gossip usually involves shallow and superficial discussions that do not contribute to personal growth or meaningful connections.

Option D: Mindless and sterile conversations seem to be in line with Thoreau's critique. He suggests that conversations devoid of personal reflection and privacy become unproductive and lacking in substance.

Based on Thoreau's emphasis on inward reflection and personal growth, it is reasonable to conclude that the correct answer is option D: mindless and sterile. This choice captures the essence of Thoreau's critique of conversations that lack depth and meaningful engagement.