The label detective novel is an example of

A. universal truth

B. a character study


d.informational reading

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The label detective novel is an example of C. genre.

To arrive at this answer, it is helpful to understand the meaning of the options provided:

A. Universal truth: Universal truth refers to a statement or belief that is believed to be true for all people at all times. In this case, the label detective novel does not necessarily reflect a universal truth.

B. A character study: A character study refers to a work that focuses on exploring and analyzing the psychology, motivations, and development of its characters. While detective novels often involve character development, it is not the primary purpose or defining characteristic of the genre.

D. Informational reading: Informational reading typically refers to reading materials that provide factual or informative content. While detective novels may contain information or facts, their primary purpose is not to provide factual or informative content.

Therefore, the most appropriate option is C. genre. A genre refers to a category or classification of literature, films, or other artistic works that share similar characteristics, themes, or style. Detective novels have specific conventions and features that define this genre, such as a crime or mystery that needs to be solved, a detective character, and an emphasis on suspense, clues, and investigation.