A good paragraph has three key parts, one of which is a topic sentence. What do you think would be the reaction of a reader if the topic sentences in an essay did not align with the supporting points? 150 words

The reader would assume that the writer was either stupid or lazy.

If the topic sentences in an essay do not align with the supporting points, the reaction of a reader could range from confusion to frustration. Topic sentences act as a guide for readers, providing them with a clear preview of what to expect in the paragraph. They serve as a roadmap, helping readers follow the writer's train of thought. When these topic sentences do not align with the supporting points, it creates a disconnect between the expectations set by the topic sentence and the actual content of the paragraph.

Readers may feel confused because they are unable to identify a clear focus or main idea within the paragraph. They may struggle to understand how the supporting points are related to the broader topic or argument. This misalignment can also lead to frustration, as readers may become lost or disengaged. They may question the writer's organization and coherence, hindering their ability to follow the essay's overall structure.

To avoid this reaction, it is crucial for writers to ensure that their topic sentences accurately reflect the supporting points in their paragraphs. Writers should carefully plan and outline their ideas, making sure that each topic sentence corresponds to the main idea or argument being presented.