

What about it ?

To simplify the expression 125x^9m + 27y^6m, we can apply the rules of exponents and combine like terms.

Step 1: Identify the common variable terms.
In this expression, we have two different variable terms: 125x^9m and 27y^6m. The common variables are x^9 and y^6 because they have the same exponent.

Step 2: Combine the coefficients.
The coefficients of the two terms are 125 and 27. Since they are both positive, we can simply add them together: 125 + 27 = 152.

Step 3: Combine the common variable terms.
To combine the common variable terms, we keep the common variables and add their exponents. In this case, the common variables are x^9 and y^6. Therefore, our simplified expression becomes 152x^9y^6m.

So, 125x^9m + 27y^6m simplifies to 152x^9y^6m.