i'm so confused with how to do these someone please help

calculate the number of moles in each of the following masses
a)64.1 g of aluminum
b)28.1 g of silicon
c)0.255 g of sulfur
d)850.5 g of zinc

64.1 divided by the atomic mass of aluminum = answer

To calculate the number of moles in each of the given masses, we need to use the concept of molar mass and the formula:

moles = mass (in grams) / molar mass

The molar mass of an element or a compound is the mass of one mole of that substance expressed in grams/mol.

Let's calculate the number of moles for each given mass:

a) 64.1 g of aluminum:
The molar mass of aluminum (Al) is 26.98 g/mol.
moles = 64.1 g / 26.98 g/mol
moles ≈ 2.374 mol

b) 28.1 g of silicon:
The molar mass of silicon (Si) is 28.09 g/mol.
moles = 28.1 g / 28.09 g/mol
moles ≈ 1.0003 mol

c) 0.255 g of sulfur:
The molar mass of sulfur (S) is 32.07 g/mol.
moles = 0.255 g / 32.07 g/mol
moles ≈ 0.007956 mol

d) 850.5 g of zinc:
The molar mass of zinc (Zn) is 65.38 g/mol.
moles = 850.5 g / 65.38 g/mol
moles ≈ 13.009 mol

Therefore, the number of moles for the given masses are:
a) 2.374 mol
b) 1.0003 mol
c) 0.007956 mol
d) 13.009 mol

mols = grams/atomic mass.

Just look up the atomic mass on the periodic table, plug in the number and grams, and calculate. Piece of cake. Nothing to be confused about.

so how would a be done for example?