Please double check

In a bottling company, a machine can fill a 2-liter (l) bottle in 0.5 second (s) and move the next bottle into place in 0.1 s. How many 2-l bottles can be filled by the machine in 2 h?
Answer: 1.00 or 0.20
A circular coffee table has a diameter of 5 ft. What will it cost to have the top refinished if the company charges $3 per square foot for the refinishing?

Answer: $75.00
0.52 /3.2318
Answer: 6.22
Seven employees of an office donated a total of $172.06 during a charity drive. What was the average donation?
Answer: $24.58
Find the decimal equivalents for each of the following mixed numbers
7 ¾
Answer: 7.75
Complete each of the following statement, using the symbol < or >
5/16 _0.313
Answer >

It takes .6 s to fill a bottle and move to the next. There are 3600 seconds in an hour. (You are looking at an aweful lot of bottles filled!)

Circle area = pi (r^2) = 3.14 * 2.5 * 2.5
Multiply that product by $3.

Your average is right.

I cannot read your mixed fraction, but if it is 7 3/4, you are right.

5/16 = .3125 > .313

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

To double-check the answers, let's go through each question and explain how to arrive at the correct answer:

1. In a bottling company question:
The machine can fill a 2-liter bottle in 0.5 seconds and move the next bottle into place in 0.1 second. To find how many 2-liter bottles can be filled in 2 hours, we need to convert the time from hours to seconds. There are 3600 seconds in 1 hour, so in 2 hours, there would be 7200 seconds.

Next, we calculate the time it takes to fill a single bottle and move the next bottle into place:
Time per bottle = fill time + move time = 0.5s + 0.1s = 0.6s

Finally, we divide the total time available (7200s) by the time per bottle (0.6s) to find the number of bottles filled:
Number of bottles filled = total time / time per bottle = 7200s / 0.6s = 12000 bottles

So, the correct answer is indeed 12000 bottles, which does not match either of the given options.

2. Circular coffee table question:
The diameter of the table is given as 5 feet. To find the cost of refinishing the top, we need to calculate the area of the table top. The formula for the area of a circle is A = πr^2, where r is the radius.

Given the diameter is 5 feet, the radius (r) is half of that, so r = 5/2 = 2.5 feet.

Next, we calculate the area:
A = π(2.5)^2 = π * 6.25

The company charges $3 per square foot for refinishing, so we multiply the area (in square feet) by the cost per square foot:
Cost = Area * Cost per square foot = 6.25π * $3

Using the approximation of π as 3.14, we can substitute the value to find the cost:
Cost = 6.25 * 3.14 * $3 = $58.69

The correct answer should be $58.69, which does not match the given option of $75.00.

3. Calculator calculation:
To find the answer to the expression 0.52 / 3.2318, we can use a calculator to divide the two numbers: 0.52 ÷ 3.2318 = 0.1605997.

Rounding the answer to two decimal places gives us 0.16, which does not match the given option of 6.22.

4. Seven employees donating money question:
The total donation amount is given as $172.06, and there are seven employees. To find the average donation, we divide the total amount by the number of employees:
Average donation = Total amount / Number of employees = $172.06 / 7 = $24.58.

The correct answer is $24.58, which matches the given option.

5. Decimal equivalent of a mixed number question:
The mixed number given is 7 ¾. To find the decimal equivalent, we add the whole number part (7) to the fraction part (¾) by dividing 4 by 4 and adding the result to 7:
Decimal equivalent = 7 + (4 ÷ 4) = 7 + 1 = 8.

The correct answer is 8, which does not match the given option of 7.75.

6. Inequality comparison question:
To determine whether 5/16 is greater than or less than 0.313, we can convert both numbers to decimals:
5/16 ≈ 0.3125
0.3125 < 0.313

Since 0.3125 is less than 0.313, the correct answer is < (less than), which matches the given option.