What two ways (key stroke(s)) do you use to end the COPY CON command?

Don't know if there are other ways, but

Ctrl-C interrupts the command, and Ctrl-Z signals end of input (on DOS).

To end the COPY CON command, you can use two different key strokes depending on your operating system:

1. **Windows**: To end the COPY CON command in Windows, you can press **Ctrl + Z** followed by the **Enter** key. In Windows, **Ctrl + Z** is the end-of-file (EOF) marker, which signals that you have finished entering text and want to exit the COPY CON command.

2. **Unix/Linux**: In Unix or Linux systems, you can end the COPY CON command by pressing **Ctrl + D**. This key combination also acts as an end-of-file (EOF) marker, indicating that you are done inputting text and want to exit the command.

It is important to note that the COPY CON command is used to create text files and input data directly from the command prompt or terminal.