If you must stop your moving car in a hurry, should you slam on the brakes and lock them?

No, slamming on the brakes and locking them is not the ideal method for stopping your car in a hurry. Instead, you should follow these steps:

1. Stay calm: It's important to remain calm in such situations to make the best possible decisions.

2. Identify the potential danger: Assess the situation to determine why you need to stop quickly. Look for any obstacles, pedestrians, or other vehicles that might be in your way.

3. Lift off the accelerator pedal: Immediately ease pressure on the accelerator pedal or remove your foot from it. This action will reduce the power going to the wheels, thus slowing down the vehicle.

4. Firmly apply the brakes: Gradually press down on the brake pedal with firm and steady pressure. Avoid stomping on the brake pedal, as sudden and forceful braking can cause the wheels to lock.

5. Maintain control: Keep your hands on the steering wheel and try to steer straight. Do not pull or jerk the steering wheel abruptly as it may cause a loss of control.

Using this method, you can bring your vehicle to a stop quickly while maintaining control over your car. Remember, it's always essential to practice safe driving habits and maintain a safe distance from the vehicles around you to allow ample time for stopping in normal situations.