Consider y=x^2+8x+16.

What is the correct way to factor this equation?
How does this equation shift the graph of y=x^2?

A. the correct factored form is y=(x+4)^2. this shifts the graph of y=x^2 up 4 units.

B. the correct factored form is y=(x+4)^2. this shifts the graph of y=x^2 right 4 units.

C. the correct factored form is y=(x+4)^2. this shifts the graph of y=x^2 left 4 units.

D. the correct factored form is y=(x+16)^2. this shifts the graph of y=x^2 up 16 units.

E. the correct factored form is y=(x-4)(x+4). this shifts the graph of y=x^2 right 4 units and up 4 units.

The standard graph is y=x^2.

The shifted graph is
which shifts the graph h units to the right, and k units up with a vertical multiplication factor a.
In the given problem,

Try to interpret the results.