Concrete words have a ________________, a corresponding person or object that you can see, touch, or otherwise experience with your physical senses

OF these choices,


I would go with referent. You probably would be well served to know the meanings of all those words.


Concrete words have a referent, a corresponding person or object that you can see, touch, or otherwise experience with your physical senses. To understand this concept, you can follow these steps:

1. Define concrete words: Concrete words refer to something tangible, specific, and observable in the physical world. These words represent objects, people, or places that you can perceive through your senses.

2. Look for physicality: When encountering a word, consider if it represents something that is physically present or can be experienced with your senses. Concrete words are usually nouns or adjectives that describe tangible things.

3. Engage your senses: To identify the referent of a concrete word, use your senses. Consider what you can see, touch, hear, smell, or taste in relation to the word. This sensory experience will help you connect the word to its physical reality.

4. Examples: Here are some examples of concrete words and their referents:
- "Dog": You can observe and interact with actual dogs, either by seeing them, hearing their barks, touching their fur, or playing with them.
- "Apple": This word represents a specific fruit that you can see, touch, and taste.
- "Chair": Chairs are physical objects that you can sit on and perceive through touch and sight.

Remember that concrete words have real-world counterparts that can be experienced through your senses, contrasting with abstract words that represent ideas, feelings, or concepts that are not tangible or visible.