If the the total enrollment in LA county combined schools was 1,583,283 students in 1997, approximately how many of those student were Asian at 8.1 8.1%

choices: 194,467, 904,055, 128,246 , 19,546,704, 1,282,459

my answer is 128,246 multiplied 1583283*8.1%= 128,24592.3

Okay, but round to a whole number. You can't have a partial Asian person. Also get you decimal point correct, 128,245.923.

Remember that 8.1% = .081.

okay my answer is correct 128,246

To calculate the approximate number of Asian students in LA county combined schools in 1997, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal.

8.1% is equivalent to 0.081 when expressed as a decimal.

Step 2: Multiply the total enrollment by the decimal representation of the percentage.

1,583,283 * 0.081 ≈ 128,246.

Therefore, the approximate number of Asian students in LA county combined schools in 1997 is 128,246.