Two children using finger paints agree to share them. They are engaged in

What are your choices? What is your answer?

A. associative group

B. cooperative



a collaborative activity where they both have access to the same set of finger paints. To ensure a fair and equal distribution of the paints, they can follow a simple procedure:

1. Start by gathering all the finger paints and placing them in a central location that both children can easily reach.

2. Next, one of the children can act as the distributor. They can take turns doing this role to maintain fairness throughout the activity. The distributor will hold the paints and be responsible for dividing them between themselves and the other child.

3. The distributor should start by asking the other child which colors they would like to use. This allows the child to express their preferences and ensure they have the opportunity to use their desired colors.

4. The distributor can then carefully dip their finger or a brush into each chosen color and transfer an adequate amount onto the other child's palette or surface. They should aim for a reasonable and equal distribution of paints, considering the quantities and proportions of each color.

5. After providing the first child with their chosen colors, the distributor can then select their own colors and apply them to their own palette or surface, using the remaining paints. Again, they should aim for an equitable distribution, maintaining fairness throughout the process.

6. Both children can now enjoy the finger painting activity, using their respective set of colors.

7. It's essential for both children to communicate and collaborate during the activity, sharing any excess or unused paints, and expressing their needs and preferences to maintain a sense of fairness and cooperation.

By following these steps, the two children can share the finger paints equally and engage in a collaborative and enjoyable painting experience.