With close reference to the text how successful is the headline in influencing the reader's view of the issue of hang?


Are you referring to this article?


yes, that's the editorial i have to do

i also need to say how the writer managed to develop ideas that they present in the opening paragraph and talk about structural and linguistic devices.

and i need to talk about the impression of the medical officer and Chaplain.



To evaluate the success of the headline in influencing the reader's view of the issue of hang, we'll need to closely analyze the headline itself and consider its potential impact on the reader.

1. Literal interpretation: The headline "THE WOMAN WHO HANGS TODAY" appears to suggest that there is a specific woman who is currently engaging in the act of hanging. Without any further context, a reader might initially assume that the article is about a female hangman or someone involved in capital punishment. This literal interpretation could potentially influence the reader to form a negative view of the issue of hang.

2. Emotional response: The use of the word "woman" in the headline might evoke certain emotions or associations in the reader's mind. Depending on the reader's personal beliefs, values, and prior experiences, this choice of gender could elicit particular feelings such as sympathy or outrage. If the headline successfully triggers an emotional response in the reader, it may further influence their view of the issue of hang.

3. Curiosity and engagement: The headline is designed to grab the reader's attention and pique their curiosity. The use of strong and provocative language like "hangs today" may compel the reader to want to know more about this woman and why she is hanging. This engagement could potentially influence the reader's view by making them more open to considering different perspectives or arguments presented in the article.

To determine the actual success of the headline in influencing the reader's view, further analysis of the accompanying text is necessary. It is important to read the article carefully and take into account the tone, arguments, and evidence presented within it. The headline alone can only provide limited insights into its potential impact on the reader's view of the issue of hang.