The data below represent the ages of female actors at the time of winning an Oscar (1956 - 1996).

41 27 34 34 41 30 61 42 49
27 31 60 34 35 74 21 29 39
39 37 61 26 31 33 41 33
38 30 26 37 41 49 26 35
28 24 35 42 33 38 81 45

What is the frequency for the class 41 - 50? the frequency I chose is 9 for my answer... I hope I am correct.


thanks i am getting it

You're welcome. :-)

To determine the frequency for the class 41 - 50, you need to count the number of values in the given data that fall within that range.

The values given in the data are:

41, 27, 34, 34, 41, 30, 61, 42, 49
27, 31, 60, 34, 35, 74, 21, 29, 39
39, 37, 61, 26, 31, 33, 41, 33
38, 30, 26, 37, 41, 49, 26, 35
28, 24, 35, 42, 33, 38, 81, 45

To find the frequency for the class 41 - 50, we need to count how many values are between 41 and 50 (inclusive).

From the data given, we have the following values that fall within the range of 41 - 50:

41, 42, 49

So, the frequency for the class 41 - 50 is 3, not 9.