Which one of the following sentences is written in the active voice?

1 - Accidents are witnessed every day.
2 - However, few people think seriously of doing something about them.
3 - Accidents are considered by most people as unavoidable.
4 - But it is said that definite steps can be taken to prevent many accidents.

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To determine which sentence is written in the active voice, we need to understand the difference between active and passive voice.

In active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action, whereas in passive voice, the subject receives the action.

Let's analyze each sentence:

1 - "Accidents are witnessed every day."
This sentence is in the passive voice because the subject "accidents" receives the action of being witnessed.

2 - "However, few people think seriously of doing something about them."
This sentence is also in the passive voice as the subject "few people" is not performing the action, but rather receiving the action of thinking seriously.

3 - "Accidents are considered by most people as unavoidable."
Similar to the previous sentences, this sentence is in the passive voice. The subject "accidents" is receiving the action of being considered.

4 - "But it is said that definite steps can be taken to prevent many accidents."
Finally, this sentence is in the active voice. The subject "definite steps" performs the action of taking to prevent many accidents.

Therefore, the sentence written in the active voice is sentence number 4: "But it is said that definite steps can be taken to prevent many accidents."