Find the sentence with the active voice.

1 - The chairman told me that the legislature passed the bill.
2 - It was voted by the legislature to pass.
3 - The bill was passed by the legislature
4 - I was told by the chairman that the bll was passed by the legislature.

Again, if you can find the subject "chairman" of the verb "told" you have the active voice.


To find the sentence with the active voice, we need to look for a sentence where the subject is performing the action directly. In an active voice sentence, the subject of the sentence is the one doing the action. Let's analyze each sentence:

1 - "The chairman told me that the legislature passed the bill." (This sentence is in the active voice because the subject "the legislature" is performing the action "passed the bill".)

2 - "It was voted by the legislature to pass." (This sentence is in the passive voice because the subject "it" is not performing the action directly. The subject is being acted upon by "the legislature".)

3 - "The bill was passed by the legislature." (This sentence is also in the passive voice because the subject "the bill" is not performing the action directly. The subject is being acted upon by "the legislature".)

4 - "I was told by the chairman that the bill was passed by the legislature." (This sentence is in the passive voice because the subject "I" is not performing the action directly. The subject is being acted upon by "the chairman" and "the legislature".)

From the given sentences, the sentence with the active voice is:
1 - "The chairman told me that the legislature passed the bill."