which of the following is a primary source?

Are these your choices?

a. an original report
b. an index
c. an abstract
d. a consumer website

What is your answer?

an original report

To determine which of the following is a primary source, you need to understand what a primary source is. A primary source is a document, artifact, or piece of evidence that was created during the time period being studied. It provides firsthand information or direct evidence about a particular event, topic, or historical context.

Without the options you mentioned, I cannot specifically identify which one is a primary source. However, I can provide you with some examples of primary sources to help you identify them. Here are a few common examples:

1. Diaries or personal letters from someone who experienced an event.
2. Original photographs taken during a specific historical event.
3. Official documents or government records.
4. Speeches or interviews given by people who were directly involved in an event.
5. Artifacts, such as tools, weapons, or clothing from a specific time period.

By examining the options you have, you can determine if any of them align with the characteristics of a primary source. Look for evidence of firsthand information or direct connection to the time period being studied.