diners frequently add 15% tip when charging a meal to a credit card.what is the price of the meal without the tip if the amount is $13.80? how much was the tip


1.15x = 13.80

Solve for x, then subtract from $13.80.

Diners frequently add a 15% tip when charging a meal to a credit card. what is the total amount charged if the cost of the meal, without tip, is $45?

To calculate the price of the meal without the tip, we need to find the original price before adding the 15% tip.

Let's assume the original price of the meal without the tip is 'x'.

To find 'x', we'll use the equation: original price + tip = total amount charged.

- Total amount charged = $13.80
- Tip percentage = 15%

We can set up the equation as follows:
x + 0.15x = 13.80
1.15x = 13.80

Now, let's solve for 'x':
Divide both sides of the equation by 1.15:
x = 13.80 / 1.15
x ≈ $12

So, the price of the meal without the tip is approximately $12.

To calculate the tip amount, we can subtract the original price of the meal from the total amount charged:
Tip = Total amount charged - Price of the meal without the tip
Tip = $13.80 - $12
Tip ≈ $1.80

Therefore, the tip amount is approximately $1.80.