Write each of the following as a common fraction or mixed number. Write your answer in lowest term


1535 / 100 = 307/20

15 35/100 is 15 7/20

To write 15.35 as a common fraction or mixed number, we need to understand that the number after the decimal point (35 in this case) represents the number of hundredths.

Step 1: Write the whole number part. In this case, the whole number part is 15.
Step 2: Write the fraction part. Since there are 2 decimal places after the decimal point, we write the number 35 over 100 (as the number of hundredths).
Step 3: Simplify the fraction, if possible. In this case, the fraction 35/100 can be simplified by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 5. This gives us 7/20.

Therefore, 15.35 can be written as the mixed number 15 7/20 or as the common fraction 15 7/20.