The sum of the angles of any triangle always equals ?

180 degrees

The sum of the angles of any triangle always equals 180 degrees.

To understand why this is the case, we can break it down step by step.

1. Start with a triangle: A triangle is a polygon with three sides and three angles.

2. Let's label the three angles as Angle A, Angle B, and Angle C.

3. To find the sum of the angles, we need to add up all three angles: Angle A + Angle B + Angle C.

4. Now, imagine drawing a straight line that extends one side of the triangle. This line divides the triangle into two parts, creating a straight angle. A straight angle is 180 degrees.

5. Since the two parts of the triangle form a straight angle together, the sum of Angle A, Angle B, and Angle C must also equal 180 degrees.

That's why, regardless of the size or shape of the triangle, the sum of its angles will always be 180 degrees.