A researcher wanted to answer the following question: What is the difference in students' computer anxiety based on whether or not they own computers? The researcher surveyed 92 undergraduate education students via an online survey. In the survey, the researcher asked a yes-or-no question to determine if students owned computers. Participants' computer anxiety was measured using the Computer Anxiety Scale. Scores ranged from 0 to 40 with higher scores reflecting greater computer anxiety. This variable was measured on the interval scale. The researcher analyzed the data using what t test? it is a t test according to the professor

To answer the question "What is the difference in students' computer anxiety based on whether or not they own computers?", the researcher used a t-test. Specifically, they used an independent samples t-test because they compared the means of two groups: students who own computers and students who do not own computers.

In an independent samples t-test, you compare the means of two independent groups to determine if there is a significant difference between them. The t-test measures the difference between the means of the two groups and calculates whether this difference is statistically significant or if it could have occurred by chance.

In this case, the researcher surveyed 92 undergraduate education students and divided them into two groups based on whether they own computers or not. They used a yes-or-no question in the survey to determine this. The participants' computer anxiety scores, measured using the Computer Anxiety Scale, ranged from 0 to 40, with higher scores indicating greater computer anxiety. This measurement is on an interval scale.

The researcher analyzed the data using an independent samples t-test. This test allowed them to compare the mean computer anxiety scores of the two groups (students who own computers and students who do not own computers) and determine if there was a significant difference between them. The results of the t-test would provide insights into whether computer ownership relates to levels of computer anxiety in the undergraduate education students.

Remember, when conducting statistical analyses, it is essential to consider the assumptions of the test and interpret the results cautiously. If you have the specific data and the statistical software, you can perform the independent samples t-test by inputting the computer anxiety scores for the two groups and using the appropriate statistical package or calculator.