A mini-cone has a diameter of 2 inches at the widest point and holds 12.5 in3 of ice cream. A mega-cone holds 133.1 in3 of ice cream. What is the diameter of the mega-cone at its widest point?

133.1/12.5 = 10.648

Assuming similarity of shape, the diameter of the larger cone is ∛10.648=2.2 times as large, or 4.4 inches.


To solve this problem, we'll use the concept of ratios.

First, let's calculate the ratio of the volume of the mini-cone to the volume of the mega-cone. We have:

Volume of mini-cone: 12.5 in³
Volume of mega-cone: 133.1 in³

Now, let's find the ratio:

Ratio = Volume of mini-cone / Volume of mega-cone
= 12.5 in³ / 133.1 in³
≈ 0.094

Next, let's find the relationship between the diameters of the mini-cone and the mega-cone. Since the volumes of cones are proportional to the cubes of their diameters, we can write:

Ratio = (Diameter of mini-cone / Diameter of mega-cone)³

Now, rearrange the equation to solve for the diameter of the mega-cone:

(Diameter of mega-cone)³ = (Diameter of mini-cone)³ / Ratio

Substituting the known values:

(Diameter of mega-cone)³ = (2 inches)³ / 0.094

Taking the cube root of both sides:

Diameter of mega-cone = (8 inches / 0.094)^(1/3)
≈ 3.54 inches

Therefore, the diameter of the mega-cone at its widest point is approximately 3.54 inches.