In poetry and fition, the main reason for using vivid words is to.

a. explain an idea
b. create a mental image
c. keep th reader guessing.
d. illustrate the write's bia

The purpose of loaded words in adv ertisements is to.

a. create an image
b. compare two unlike things
c. influence the reader
d. illustrate bias.

1. b

What do you think the other answer is?

In poetry and fiction, vivid words are used primarily to create a mental image. These descriptive and colorful words aim to engage the reader's senses and imagination, painting a vivid picture in their mind. By using vivid words, writers can bring their ideas and narratives to life, making the reading experience more engaging and immersive.

To determine the purpose of loaded words in advertisements, we can review the given options:

a. Create an image: Loaded words in advertisements often aim to create a specific image or evoke a particular emotion in the reader's mind. The intention is to make the product or service being advertised more appealing or memorable.

b. Compare two unlike things: While comparisons can be part of advertising strategies, loaded words are not specifically used to compare two unlike things.

c. Influence the reader: This option aligns with the purpose of loaded words in advertisements. Advertisers strategically choose powerful or persuasive words to influence the reader's opinions, choices, or behaviors. Loaded words can evoke emotions, create a sense of urgency, or highlight the benefits of a product or service.

d. Illustrate bias: While bias can exist in advertising, loaded words themselves do not specifically illustrate bias. Bias is typically conveyed through other means, such as selective information or skewed presentation.

Therefore, the purpose of loaded words in advertisements is to influence the reader (option c).