4(n=8)=-48 what is the value of n?


you said n=8 unless that was a typo

4(n+8)= -48
4(n+8)/4= -48/4

-20 is wat i got

To solve this equation, we need to isolate the variable "n". Let's break down the steps:

1. Start by distributing the 4 to the terms inside the parentheses:
4 * n + 4 * 8 = -48

2. Simplify the expression:
4n + 32 = -48

3. To isolate the variable "n", subtract 32 from both sides of the equation:
4n = -48 - 32
4n = -80

4. Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 4 to solve for "n":
n = -80 / 4
n = -20

Therefore, the value of "n" in the equation 4(n + 8) = -48 is -20.